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Guest lecture at the KSTU

September 14, 2017, President and Director of Global Technology Solutions, Dr. Denny J. Cho and Iskender Sharsheyev, conducted a guest lecture for the students of the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after Iskhak Razakov. At the lecture, they acquainted the students with the program of Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the International Kühne Foundation. The Kühne certificate allows students to be in demand on the international labor market in large logistics companies in CA and European countries, and also allows counting on internships in several corporations in Europe. At the end of the lecture, the Head of the Logistics Department of the KSTU, Dr. Akylbek Umetaliev, discussed with Dr. Denny Cho the prospects for the development of a program for doctoral students in logistics at the University.

Guest lecture at Ala-Too University

September 12, 2017, President and Director of Global Technology Solutions, Dr. Denny J. Cho and Iskender Sharsheyev, conducted a guest lecture for the students of the International University Ala-Too. At the lecture, they acquainted the students with the program of Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the International Kühne Foundation. The Kühne certificate allows students to be in demand on the international labor market in large logistics companies in CA and European countries, and also allows counting on internships in several corporations in Europe. At the end of the guest lecture, the representative of IAU presented a letter of gratitude to GTS.

Guest Lecture at IUCA

September 7, 2017 President and Director of Global Technology Solutions, Dr. Denny J. Cho and Iskender Sharsheyev, conducted a guest lecture for the students of the International University of Central Asia, located in Tokmok city. At the lecture they acquainted the students with the program of Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the International Kühne Foundation. The Kühne certificate allows students to be in demand on the international labor market in large logistics companies in CA and European countries, and also allows to count on internships in several corporations in Europe. At the end of the guest lecture, the representative of IUCA presented a letter of gratitude to GTS.

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