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MoU between GTS and Bishkek Humanitarian University signed

On November 14, 2018, a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with the Bishkek Humanitarian University (BHU) was signed on the promotion of education in logistics and supply chain management. On the part of the BHU at the meeting participated the dean of the Faculty of Economics, Mr. Savin VE, who was glad to have the opportunity to go to two teachers training courses within the "Training for Trainers". Moreover, Dean once again confirmed the seriousness of intentions to cooperate with GTS / Kuehne Foundation as part of the certification program teachers and students of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic on logistics and supply chain management. The main principles of our cooperation with universities is mutual trust, efficiency, stability and consistency. The signing of the memorandum took place thanks to our colleague Nurgul Toktogulova, who takes part in the next course of TTT 2018 as a coach.

International technology cooperation

On November 9, there was meeting with CEOs of the companies that are presenting software and hardware solutions to increase the efficiency of supply chain management and logistics, namely, in warehousing, handling and transportation.

Guests from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands visited our office. Mr. Ian Murphy presented a number of hi-tech solutions to increase the productivity of logistics activities. Mr. Thijs Wilberink introduced software designed for fleet management, parking, lighting and e-telling services. Global Technology Solutions / LECCA is intending to sign MoU to promote the best technological solutions in logistics, supply chain and operations management.

Welcome to our team Kairat Itibaev!

On November 5, 2018, Kairat Itibaev joined our team as a Senior Advisor for Strategic Development at Global Technology Solutions and the Center for Best Logistics Practices in Central Asia. In October 2018, Kairat Itibaev formally received a master’s degree diploma in Global Supply Chain and Operations Management from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. We believe and have high hopes that new knowledge and skills of Kairat Itibaev in Germany will have a positive impact on the development of our company. In essence, the master’s degree for the above-mentioned specialty is unique in the Kyrgyz Republic. In this regard, a gradual transformation of the business model, key processes and improvement of the competence of the company’s employees through the introduction of “Scrum” approaches and methods in their daily work and “Agile” principles into the way of thinking of the company’s employees is expected.

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