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IT/Logistics Seminar on “Digital Economy: Emerging Trends in ICT and Logistics”

On September 25, 2019 at the Park Hotel, Bishkek, was held a short IT/Logistics Seminar on “Digital Economy: Emerging Trends in ICT and Logistics”. This seminar was supported by International Logistics Foundation “Kuehne”, LLC”Global Technology Solutions”.

GTS / Kuehne Foundation invited expertise and representatives from the USA to present the emerging trends and applications in the field of ICT and Logistics. Their collected experience coming from Intel Corporation, The Boeing Company, Samsung, and Xerox Corporation offered an opportunity to exam and strategize the development of the national, intellectual, and innovative potential of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Intel expertises were: June Son, Director, Global Cloud Programs,; and Jeff Lee, IT Specialist, Analog Devices.

During the seminar, 2 participants received two HIGH-TECH DRONES from Intel Corporation.

The WINNERS of these drones were teachers from universities : IUIT Cholpon Askarova and Ainura Kaptagaev from KNU named after J. Balasagyn.
In addition, the seminar provided participants (academic institution and students) with the opportunity to integrate new trends and applications in the field of ICT and Logistics.


IT/Logistics seminar in the university of KSUSTA named after. N. Isanova

On 25 of September 2019, in the university of KSUSTA named after. N. Isanova for students was held an IT/Logistics seminar on "Digital Economy: Emerging Trends and Applications in ICT and Logistics" with representatives of Global Technology Solutions and Intel Corporation, as well as university management.

U.S.A Experts presented Emerging Trends and Applications in the field of ICT and Logistics. Shared their experience from Intel, The Boeing, Samsung Electronics and Xerox Corporation.

At the end of the seminar, by random selection among the students identified the winner, who received a HIGH-TECH DRONE from Intel Corporation. The winner of the drone was a student from computer science department- Erlan Jirgalbek uulu.

Certificate ceremony to students on LSCM

We held a certificate ceremony for students of domestic universities, who successfully completed logistics courses at their universities and passed a computer test on logistics and supply chain management (LSCM).

Also, during the awarding ceremony, students had a chance to listen to a lecture on the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and also learned about the possibilities of the Küehne” international foundation, which runs a certification program worldwide. Accordingly, certificates were issued on behalf of the Swiss-German foundation “Küehne” and our company.

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