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“Programming in Java” class is successfully conducted

From January 16 to January 24, 2019, Global Technology Solutions successfully conducted another course on “Programming in Java”. The course was highly evaluated by participants as well instructed and understood. The course was led by Chris Kim, who worked for many years in large US IT companies and currently works at Global Technology Solutions as a senior engineer.

During the training, participants gained knowledge and skills in the field of developing technology and software in Java language and Java platform

The course is designed for students with basic programming skills. Skills gained from the courses will enable participants to further study Java and to prepare for fulfilling real-life production tasks.

GTS employee took part in a conference regarding Intellectual Property and Advanced Technology held in Geneva

From 17th till 22th of December an employee of our company, Aizada Rusalieva, visited a conference dedicated to Intellectual Property (IP) in World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

Since fostering protection of IP is an important issue in Kyrgyz Republic, we want to share the knowledge received during the conference. There were lots of useful topics discussed by experts and participants jointly on the conference, such as,

There were professors and students from Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Israel and experts from USA on the conference. Versatility of the participants let the issues of IP to be discussed and considered from different angles and to come up with possible resolutions.

Basics of IP need to be taken into account in every company regardless of its activity type. We, in GTS, work with innovations and create innovative products ourselves, every step we take has something to do with IP. Therefore, we encourage every company to consider IP in their daily life and to further develop level of innovation in the Kyrgyz Republic.
You can take a look at a presentation that Aizada prepared as a summary of her trip down below:

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