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Actually guest lecture in KSUCTA named after N. Isanov.

On April 8, 2019, Chris Kim, senior manager of Global Technology Solutions, gave a guest lecture for students and teaching staff of Applied Informatics Department at KSUCTA named after N. Isanova.

Lecturer Chris Kim presented in detail information about the 4th Industrial Revolution, global economic trends, and the link between IT and the economy.
In addition, Chris Kim highlighted the role of educational programs and certification of 14 universities in the Kyrgyz Republic, on passing short-term IT courses and consulting on logistics and supply chain management conducted by the “Center for the Promotion of Logistics in Central Asia” to Global Technology Solutions. Upon completion of the lecture, the lecturer answered all the questions of students.
In turn, lecturer Chris Kim thanked the organizers and the interest of students and teachers in the department of Applied Informatics, and I am confident that in the future graduates of this university will become competent specialists in the IT direction and will contribute to the development of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Completed a course on "Programming in Java"

From February 26 to March 7, 2019, Global Technology Solutions successfully conducted another course on “Programming in Java”. The course was highly evaluated by participants as well instructed and understood. The course was led by Chris Kim, who worked for many years in large US IT companies and currently works at Global Technology Solutions as a senior engineer.

During the training, participants gained knowledge and skills in the field of developing technology and software in Java language and Java platform

The course is designed for students with basic programming skills. Skills gained from the courses will enable participants to further study Java and to prepare for fulfilling real-life production tasks.

Completed IT - course "Programming for PHP"

From February 12 to 21, 2019, Global Technology Solutions successfully conducted a course on “Programming in PHP” for teachers of the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.N. Isanova (KGUSTA).

During the course, participants learned the basics, methods and principles of developing Web-based applications in PHP.

In addition to listening to lectures, participants performed practical tasks, since during the course the main emphasis was placed on the practical implementation of tasks.

At the end of the course, the level of received new knowledge by passing the test was confirmed, and all participants received a certificate.

Course content:

Introduction to PHP

  • Basic syntax
  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Constants
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Comparison operations
  • Logical operations
  • Ternary operator

Forms, validation and data processing

  • Pass Parameters to URL
  • Encoding / decoding parameters in URL
  • Forms, requests, parameters
  • Cookies and Sessions

Objects and Classes

  • Constructor and destructor
  • Inheritance
  • Static properties and methods
  • Declaration of constants inside the class
  • Area of visibility
  • Creating a site template using a class


  • PHP functions for working with arrays
  • Loop traversal in loop

Creating your own blog 1 part

  • Database Connection (MySQL)
  • Saving Records, Output

Creating your own blog 2 part

  • HTML editor CKEDITOR
  • Localization
  • Authorization
  • RedBeanPHP
  • check in
  • Test

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