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“Education about logistics and supply chain management meets the global challenge and interests of the nation”

On February 11, at 14:00, 2019, the “Logistics Excellence Centre in Central Asia” of the company “Global Technology Solutions” represented by Dr. Denny Cho, Professor of the University of Pennsylvania and Kairat Itibaev, Master of the Berlin School of Economics and Law, specializing in global supply chain and operational management, conducted a guest lecture in KSUCTA named after. N. Isanova.

Students and teachers of the university took part in the guest lecture. The first part of the lecture was ;conducted by Dr. D. Cho. He spoke about global economic trends, the relationship of logistics and the economy through the LPI logistics efficiency index (today the Kyrgyz Republic occupies 108 of 160 countries of the world), green logistics, sustainable development, reverse logistics and waste management.

The second part of the lecture was held by Master K.Itibaev, where he gave real examples of how to solve various problems related to logistics, operational management and supply chain, the use of drones, traffic management IT systems in passenger and freight traffic, and optimization of vehicle operation and green packaging. K.Itibaev also noted about educational programs for certification of 14 universities, short-term courses and consulting in logistics and supply chain management conducted by the “Logistics Excellence Centre in Central Asia” of the company “Global Technology Solutions”..

After the lecture, our colleagues answered all the questions of students.

After the guest lecture the trainers noted the openness, interest of students and teachers in logistics and its development in the Kyrgyz Republic by improving the quality of education.

Guest lecture at OshTU

On February 7, at 10:00, 2019, the “Logistics Excellence Centre in Central Asia” of the company “Global Technology Solutions” represented by Dr. Denny Cho, Professor of the University of Pennsylvania and Kairat Itibaev, Master of the Berlin School of Economics and Law, specializing in global supply chain and operational management, conducted a guest lecture in Osh Technological University named after. M.M. Abdyshev.

Students and teachers of the university took part in the guest lecture. The first part of the lecture was ;conducted by Dr. D. Cho. He spoke about global economic trends, the relationship of logistics and the economy through the LPI logistics efficiency index (today the Kyrgyz Republic occupies 108 of 160 countries of the world), green logistics, sustainable development, reverse logistics and waste management.

The second part of the lecture was held by Master K.Itibaev, where he gave real examples of how to solve various problems related to logistics, operational management and supply chain, the use of drones, traffic management IT systems in passenger and freight traffic, and optimization of vehicle operation and green packaging. K.Itibaev also noted about educational programs for certification of 14 universities, short-term courses and consulting in logistics and supply chain management conducted by the “Logistics Excellence Centre in Central Asia” of the company “Global Technology Solutions”..

After the lecture, our colleagues answered all the questions of students.

After the guest lecture the trainers noted the openness, interest of students and teachers in logistics and its development in the Kyrgyz Republic by improving the quality of education.

Successfully completed a course on the topic: “Basics of logistics and supply chain management: trends in international business and opportunities”.

On January 30-31, 2019, Global Technology Solutions successfully conducted a course on “Basics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Trends in International Business and Opportunities” for representatives of 7 companies such as Ters Bulak LLC, the official dealer of TOYOTA Motor Corporation in Kyrgyzstan,, “ADRA” NGO, “DOS Trade Company” LLC, “JTB Consulting” LLC, “Natural Agro” LLC, as well as the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture.

During the course, participants studied the main aspects and principles of logistics, methods of supply chain management and the aspects of operational management. In addition to lectures, participants solved practical problems and, at the end of the course, confirmed the level of new knowledge gained by passing the test. All participants were grateful and gave a lot of positive feedback.

The next seminar will be held on February 19-20, 2019 on the topic: “Inbound Logistics: Procurement Solutions”. More details can be found on the link:

Logistics Excellence Center in Central Asia of the Global Technology Solutions (LECCA/GTS) LLC is happy to offer its expertise in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM). Our professional background in LSCM education is based off over 25 years cumulative experience gained through interaction in various international corporations. We are proud that we are the only company in the country that provids a world class knowledge about LSCM in tight collaboration with Swiss-German “Kuehne” foundation and “Heriot Watt” University in Edinburg.

We are continuously conducting seminars and trainings for academia, industry and government by evolving high class of experts.

You can access the schedule of our courses by following the link:

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